Our Projects

SIGS undertakes numerous projects across Maldives, from climate change, to biodiversity conservation and promotion of a plastic-free lifestyle. These initiatives are integral to our commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship, ensuring a thriving future for the Maldives and its communities.

Click on each project to find out more

Climate Change

Maldives is a low-lying nation with an elevation of less than 1m, consisting of small islands and vast oceans. This puts our islands at the forefront of the climate crisis, experiencing harsh conditions such as swell surges, floods and coral bleaching. These projects focus on adapting to the changing climate and fostering resilience.

Biodiversity Conservation

Maldives is home to 3% of global coral reefs, which is a crucial habitat for diverse species, protects our shorelines, and an important source of blue carbon. Our marine resources also support the dominant economic activities of the nation - the fishing and tourism industries. These projects focus on conserving natural resources for sustainable use, which our small island communities depend on for economic activities and livelihood.

Plastic Free Lifestyle

Plastic waste is a huge issue in the Maldives given its high use, and through plastic debris that washes up on our shores. This is severely impacting our marine biodiversity through ingestion of plastic and entanglement of wildlife. Plastic breaks down into smaller particles called microplastics, which can harm human health through inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. These projects focus on reducing the use of plastics through social behavior change, use of alternatives and encouraging a circular economy for a plastic-free Maldives.