Sustainable Livelihood Planning

HDH. Kulhudhuffushi

October 2022 - August 2023

Sustainable Livelihood Planning is a project implemented under the Australian Government's Direct Aid Program. Working with Kulhudhuffushi City Council, the project developed and implemented a sustainable livelihood and economic recovery plan following the impacts of Covid-19 in Kulhudhuffushi City.

The project contributed to the long-term development planning of the City. The project also enabled the City Council to identify opportunities for livelihood development, capacity development needs, and challenges for economic development and plan for sustainable livelihood development. The project included capacity building and providing opportunities and support for various groups including youth, women, and disabled people for sustainable livelihood development.

The process of developing the Sustainable Livelihood Plan was documented and a manual that can support other island and city councils in Maldives to develop their own plans was produced.

  • The baseline assessment was conducted to understand the current economic status of Kulhudhuffushi City, which will be used to develop and implement a roadmap for sustainable livelihood of all economic activities and skill development of the city.


  • A skills registry was developed to capture the skilled workforce in Kulhudhuffushi City. It consists of basic information about the people followed by their educational background. This registry informed the development of the Sustainable Livelihood Plan for Kulhudhuffushi.

  • A Sustainable Livelihood Plan (SLP) was developed in consultation with community groups and led by the Kulhudhuffushi City Council. The SLP includes an operational plan and a sustainable funding and governance mechanism. The process of developing the SLP included the initial baseline assessment, focus group discussions, and the development of a skills registry

  • Based on the potential areas for development identified in the sustainable livelihood plan, 2 trainings were held for the Kulhudhuffushi community. These include an entrepreneurship training, and a home gardening workshop.